
迴紋針版腦力激盪Paperclip Brainstorm 編輯

目標 編輯


所需時間 編輯

30 分鐘

團體數量 編輯


這是什麼? 編輯


為什麼要做? 編輯


怎麼做? 編輯


教學範例 (30 分鐘) 編輯


概論: 4分鐘 編輯


腦力激盪 第一回合: 3分鐘 編輯


比較腦力激盪的成果: 3分鐘 編輯

讓學生們兩兩一組並且彼此分享他們想到的迴紋針用法。要求學生們看看夥伴的點子,同時也想想其中,哪些點子是大家提出的而哪些點子則是只有一個人所想出來的,然後要學生們從中選出最瘋狂的點子。 Have students pair up and compare the paper clip use ideas each came up with. Ask them to look over the ideas that their partner came up with focusing what ideas each person came up with as well as what ideas only one person came up with. Have each student choose the wildest idea from their partner's list.

腦力激盪 第二回合 (辯論): 7 分鐘 編輯

在他們現有的組合下,繼續腦力激盪去使用這個迴紋針。目標是想出別組所沒想到的點子,越多越好。他們沒必要重複任何一個之前各自想出來的點子,寧願他們補足這張表。 Now in their pairs, students continue to brainstorm new ways to use a paper clip. The goal is for each pair to come up with as many ideas that no other pair thinks of. They don't have to repeat any of the earlier ideas they came up with individually, rather they supplement that list.

分享時間Share out: 15分鐘 編輯

第一組分享他們其中一個點子。輪流持續每組分享一個點子,發表時得大聲說出,其他小組則必須說出他們是否也有這個點子。只要有一組有跟自己組別一樣的點子時,就得把此點子從點子名單裏除名。計分方式就是計算別組所沒有的點子,一項點子得一分,最多分就是贏家。 The first pair shares one of their ideas. Continue to rotate through all the pairs having each one share one idea. For each idea that gets said out loud, other pairs have to say whether or not they also have that idea. If any other pair has that idea ALL pairs have to scratch that off of their list. Each pair gets a point for an idea they have that no other team has. The team with the most points wins.

選擇性變化 Optional Variations 編輯

使用迴紋針以外的其他物件,進行第三輪腦力激盪。此時學生改成四人一組。 Use other objects besides paper clips. Have a Third Round of Brainstorming where students form groups of 4.

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