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軟件開發 | Subject:Ruby Subject:設計師 |
編輯- 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web, Built by Fi (www.f-i.com) for the Google Chrome Team. 很贊的電子書形式。
- The Story of send, by Google
- Connected China,碉堡了
- Beercamp 2012
- Конец света с Сотмаркетом,幻燈片形式的主頁
- http://expo.getbootstrap.com/ —— 一些使用 bootstrap 框架的網站的展示,設計頁面時可以拿來激發一下創意
- http://www.hitcon.org/2013/ —— 台灣駭客年會 頁面
編輯- Bombermine - Massively Bomberman Online with up to 1000 players on the single map.
- BrowserQuest - mozilla demo,像素風迷你RPG遊戲,在GitHub上開源
- http://html5rubik.com/ ,可以玩的3D魔方
- FullScreenMario.com
編輯- Cut the Rope http://www.cuttherope.ie/
- Contre Jour http://www.contrejour.ie/
Chrome 限定
編輯- 尋找奧茲國 http://www.findyourwaytooz.com/
- Chrome Experiments http://www.chromeexperiments.com/
- Angry Birds Chrome
編輯- livecoding.io - helps you sketch with code, right in your browser.
- Light Table http://www.lighttable.com - 藉助創新的交互方式創建網站、遊戲
- Brackets http://brackets.io - an open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers. 「沉浸式」編碼,HTML、CSS 修改即時刷新,創新的 JS Debugging 方式
- http://tridiv.com - Tridiv is a web-based editor for creating 3D shapes in CSS
編輯- Ink File Picker + Aviary https://www.inkfilepicker.com/products/aviary/ - HTML 5 照片處理
- Old School Cassette Player with HTML5 Audio,HTML5 Audio demo,仿真磁帶效果
- Mac OS X Lion CSS3 by Alessio Atzeni,Mac登錄效果,Dock,窗口等等
- Responsive CSS3 Slider Without Javascript* by Ian Hansson (@teapoted)
- CSS3 Tutorial: Create A Sleek On/Off Button by Thoriq Firdaus
編輯- TodoMVC - Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, Spine and many more
- AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps! —— Google維護的靜態模板引擎
- Modernizr - Feature detect HTML5 and CSS3 features, with handy css and javascript hooks so you can progressively enhance to your heart's content.
- Rainbow - Javascript Code Syntax Highlighting
- NVD3 - This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you. This is a very young collection of components, with the goal of keeping these components very customizeable, staying away from your standard cookie cutter solutions.
- Chosen - a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.
- impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
- Ember.js - Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture. 有「Cocoa for the web」之稱。
- jQuery Masonry - A dynamic layout plugin for jQuery. The flip-side of CSS floats. 你有一堆 float 的元素,這個插件會自動將這些元素按類似瀑布流的方式布局。
- JavaScript 異常檔案 http://errors.totorojs.org/wiki/
- https://github.com/dobtco/jquery-resizable-columns Resizable table columns for jQuery.
- https://github.com/luis-almeida/unveil A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images
- https://github.com/BBC-News/Imager.js - 響應式圖片解決方案
- Modernizr http://modernizr.com - a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser
- http://YouMightNotNeedjQuery.com - Examples of how to do common event, element, ajax and utility operations with plain javascript.
- https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw - A group of plugins for responsive tables.
編輯- CSSDeck - CSS版的dribbble
- typo.css - 中文網頁重設與排版
- CSS Infos - CSS屬性大全
- CSS Values,CSS屬性取值
- http://purecss.io/ Prue, A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
編輯- HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers,強推,非常棒的站點,內容很不錯
- HTML5 Bookmarks - daily news articles and bookmarks
- CoffeeKup is markup as CoffeeScript. 用CoffeeScript寫html
- Google HTML/CSS Style Guide
- Media Query Snippets - A growing list of media queries for your responsible web design work.
- HTML5 Doctor - helping you implement HTML5 today
編輯- Font Awesome -The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap
- Adobe® Edge Web Fonts - Edge Web Fonts is a free service that provides access to a large library of fonts for your web site. It’s one of the Edge Tools & Services from Adobe. Use of the fonts is free and unlimited, see the terms for details.
- oEmbed - oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly.
- Fontello - easy icon font composer
- WebPlatformTools.org - WebPlatformTools.org is a curated collection of free online web design and development services and tools that don't require local installation or registration to use.
- CodeMirror - a JavaScript component that provides a code editor in the browser.
- Browserhacks http://browserhacks.com/ - An extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs.
- Easing Functions Cheat Sheet http://easings.net
- North - 一份創建現代 Web 項目的最佳實踐指南
編輯- JavascriptOO - JS 庫分類查詢站
- http://www.unheap.com/ - jQuery 插件收集站,分類齊備
- http://thecodeplayer.com/ Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript - video style tutorials
編輯- WebPlatform.org,W3C牽頭的文檔社區
- JavaScript - MDN,MZ的知識庫真心不錯。
- CSS形狀
- https://github.com/jtyjty99999/mobileTech —— 移動開發大量的整理與總結
- Fix Bad value X-UA-Compatible once and for all http://www.validatethis.co.uk/news/fix-bad-value-x-ua-compatible-once-and-for-all/ —— 如得票最高的評論一樣,這個優化本身並不好,但其手段很有參考價值