

透过快速创作雏形的过程,提供小小设计师一个简单且可快速获取回馈的设计思考工具。 To demonstrate the value of rapid prototyping and provide designers with a tool for prototyping that is easy to use and allows quick iteration.



10-30 分钟






Snyder 2003指出“纸模型是具变化能力的测验方式。代表者可以在纸模型上呈现真实的任务,这种界面是人为操控的,而"使用电脑"的人是无法解释纸模型如何运作的” "Paper prototyping is a variation of usability testing where representative users perform realistic tasks by interacting with a paper version of the interface that is manipulated by a person ‘playing computer,’ who doesn’t explain how the interface is intended to work."– Snyder, 2003

然而,这是什么意思呢?意思就是,你可以用低解析度纸模型输出你所设计的,然后能够让真实使用者与其互动并给予非数位化的回馈。你可以更改,还有在转换成代码与像素之前,快速在纸上反刍。 So what does that mean? You can develop a very low resolution model of an interface you're designing and be able to have a real user interact with it and give you feedback about it without having to implement anything digitally. You can change things on-the-fly and iterate rapidly on paper before committing anything to code and pixels.



如果你在纸上作业,你不但能够保有实质的记录,也可以比数位化界面更快速反复检讨你的设计。你能够让你的使用者测试组织以及毋需增加解析度去进行讨论。纸张并不限制你必须考虑到在测试庞大系统中与详细内容是否有关联(不论是不是在设计初级阶段)。 If you prototype interfaces on paper, you can not only keep a physical record of what you've developed but you can also iterate on your design much more rapidly than if you commit to a digital interface. By approximating with paper, you enable your users to test the structure and flow without having to flesh out higher-resolution details. Paper frees you from having to consider irrelevant (in the beginning stages of design, anyway) details in the context of testing a larger system.



大家,走出你的既定想法吧!想想你要你的使用者透过互动阶段创作跟主题有关的书面资讯,可允许使用者探险你的纸模型。这种转换像什么呢?好的旧书面资讯是有帮助的,还有白板也是可以被成功利用的。如需范例,参照下列来源。 Get out your sharpies, folks! Think about the stages of interaction you want your user to go through and create an ordered stack of papers that allow a user to explore your interface. What are the transitions like? Good old stacks of paper are useful, and whiteboards have also been used to some success, as well. See the resources below for examples.

示范课程 (20 分钟)(翻译中)


材料:白板、便利贴、标签 (可使用于纸上或只用在白板/黑板上) Materials: Whiteboard, Post-its, Markers (can also be done with sheets of paper or just a whiteboard/chalkboard

第一次反刍(5分钟):学生们选择一个主题,然后环绕著个主题制作纸模型。如果你是在课堂示范理想过程步骤,你可以用任何在你脑中出现的东西。如果你是教导独立作业的一堂课,则使用简单物件,例如“构思一个网路界面来研发太阳眼镜”或者是“为你的伙伴创造一双鞋”“为你的一位同学设计一个酷炫床”第一次反刍阶段是花个五分钟用便利贴贴白板的方式快速展开模型。 1st iteration (5 min): Students choose a topic around which to create a prototype. If you are working on a challenge as a class you can use whatever you came up with in the ideate step of the process, if teaching the lesson as a stand alone, use something simple like "Design a web interface to design sunglasses" or "create a pair of shoes for your partner""design a cool bedroom for one of your classmates." Spend 5 minutes developing a quick prototype using post-its on the whiteboard.

回馈(5 分钟):要求学生们利用具视觉助理功能的纸模型对实验组(通常是另一团体)发表他们的创意。 Feedback (5 min): Have students present their ideas to a test group (usually one another) for feedback, using the paper prototype as visual aide.

反刍(5分钟):让学生们回到他们原本的纸模型并依据所得的回馈做改进。 Iterate (5 min): Have students go back to their paper prototype and make changes based on the feedback they received from their test group.

结尾(5分钟):询问下面的问题做个快速结尾。在这次短暂活动中,关于你的想法你学习到什么?什么是你从整体过程中所学习到的?用这种方式描绘你想法有什么好处?又有哪些限制呢? Wrap Up (5 min): Ask the following questions as a quick wrap-up. What did you learn about your idea from the rapid prototyping? What did you learn about the overall process? What are the benefits of this kind of prototyping? What are the limitations?



2003 Carolyn Snyder 纸模型 [links to a host of related resources]

Download file "lo-res-interface-ptype.ppt" Online Eyeglass Customization Interface Testing: Bootcamp W07

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Carolyn Snyder text: Carly Geehr


