

return {
-- 填写下面的两个参数
name = 'Psychology',
description = '心理学',
content = {

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 分支 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'adult psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:成年心理学; zh-tw:成人心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'aerospace psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:航空航天心理学; zh-tw:航太心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'associational psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:联想心理学; zh-tw:聯結心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'counseling psychology ; consulting psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:咨询心理学; zh-tw:諮商心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'cyber psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:网络心理学; zh-tw:網路心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'disaster psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:灾害心理学; zh-tw:災難心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'evolutionary developmental psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:进化发展心理学; zh-tw:演化發展心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'evolutionary psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:进化心理学; zh-tw:演化心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'folk psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:民族心理学; zh-tw:庶民心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'group psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:群体心理学; zh-tw:團體心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'occupational health psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:职业健康心理学; zh-tw:職場健康心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'police psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:警察心理学; zh-tw:員警心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'positive psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:积极心理学; zh-tw:正向心理學; zh-hk:正面心理學' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'rehabilitation psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:康复心理学; zh-tw:復健心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'space psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:航天心理学; zh-tw:太空心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'structural psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:构造心理学; zh-tw:結構心理學;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'topological psychology', rule = 'zh-cn:拓扑心理学; zh-tw:拓樸心理學;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 其他 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'interpersonal attraction', rule = 'zh-cn:人际吸引; zh-tw:人際吸引力;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'mental image', rule = 'zh-cn:表象; zh-tw:心像;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'reinforcement', rule = 'zh-cn:强化; zh-tw:增強;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'schema', rule = 'zh-cn:图式; zh-tw:基模;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Classical conditioning', rule = 'zh-cn:经典条件反射; zh-tw:古典制約; zh-hk:經典條件反射;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'operant conditioning', rule = 'zh-cn:操作性条件反射; zh-tw:操作制約; zh-hk:操作性條件反射;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 模型 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ABC model', rule = 'zh-cn:ABC模型; zh-tw:ABC模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'activation model', rule = 'zh-cn:启动模型; zh-tw:激發模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'arousal-affect model', rule = 'zh-cn:唤醒-情感模型; zh-tw:喚起-情感模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'associative network model', rule = 'zh-cn:联想网络模型; zh-tw:聯想網路模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'attitude-toward-behavior model', rule = 'zh-cn:行为态度模型; zh-tw:行為態度模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'attitude-toward-object model', rule = 'zh-cn:目标物态度模型; zh-tw:標的態度模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'attitude-toward-the-ad model', rule = 'zh-cn:广告态度模型; zh-tw:廣告態度模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'attribution model', rule = 'zh-cn:归因模型; zh-tw:歸因模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'cognition response model', rule = 'zh-cn:认知反应模型; zh-tw:認知反應模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'competency model', rule = 'zh-cn:胜任模型; zh-tw:職能模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'competing model', rule = 'zh-cn:竞争模型; zh-tw:競爭模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'diathesis-stress model', rule = 'zh-cn:素质-压力模型; zh-tw:素質-壓力模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'early selective model', rule = 'zh-cn:早期选择模型; zh-tw:早期選擇模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'feedback model', rule = 'zh-cn:回馈模型; zh-tw:回饋模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'five-factor model', rule = 'zh-cn:五大因素模型; zh-tw:五大因素模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'five-factor personality model', rule = 'zh-cn:人格五因素模型; zh-tw:五大人格因素模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'general linear model', rule = 'zh-cn:一般线性模型; zh-tw:一般線性模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'generalized linear model', rule = 'zh-cn:广义线性模型; zh-tw:廣義線性模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'goodness of fit model', rule = 'zh-cn:拟合优度模型; zh-tw:適配模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'growth curve model', rule = 'zh-cn:生长曲线模型; zh-tw:成長曲線模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'hierarchical linear model (HLM)', rule = 'zh-cn:多层线性模型; zh-tw:階層線性模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'hierarchical network model', rule = 'zh-cn:层次网络模型; zh-tw:階層網路模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'information processing model', rule = 'zh-cn:信息加工模型; zh-tw:訊息處理模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'interactive-activation model', rule = 'zh-cn:交互启动模型; zh-tw:交互激發模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'internal working model', rule = 'zh-cn:内部工作模型; zh-tw:內在運作模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'job characteristic model (JCM)', rule = 'zh-cn:工作特征模型; zh-tw:工作特性模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'linear model', rule = 'zh-cn:线性模型; zh-tw:線性模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'logistic model', rule = 'zh-cn:逻辑斯谛模型; zh-tw:對數模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'parallel distributed processing model ; PDP model', rule = 'zh-cn:并行分布加工模型; zh-tw:平行分散處理模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'random effect model', rule = 'zh-cn:随机效应模型; zh-tw:隨機效果模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'recursive model', rule = 'zh-cn:递归模型; zh-tw:遞迴模型;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'set-theoretical model', rule = 'zh-cn:定势理论模型; zh-tw:集合理論模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'seven-factor personality model', rule = 'zh-cn:人格七因素模型; zh-tw:人格七因素模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'shared mental model', rule = 'zh-cn:共享心智模型; zh-tw:共用心智模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'spreading activation model', rule = 'zh-cn:启动扩散模型; zh-tw:擴散激發模式;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 主义 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'associationism', rule = 'zh-cn:联想主义; zh-tw:聯結主義;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'authoritarianism', rule = 'zh-cn:权威主义; zh-tw:威權主義;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'sensationalism', rule = 'zh-cn:感觉主义; zh-tw:感官主義;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'universalism', rule = 'zh-cn:普适主义; zh-tw:普世主義;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 效应 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ABC attitude hierarchies of effect', rule = 'zh-cn:ABC态度层级效应; zh-tw:ABC態度階層效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'abstinence violation effect (AVE)', rule = 'zh-cn:破堤效应; zh-tw:違反禁戒效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'activational effect of hormone', rule = 'zh-cn:激素启动效应; zh-tw:激素啟動效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'advertising wearout', rule = 'zh-cn:广告疲倦效应; zh-tw:廣告疲乏;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'anchoring effect', rule = 'zh-cn:锚定效应; zh-tw:定錨效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'autokinetic effect', rule = 'zh-cn:自动效应; zh-tw:自動效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'bandwagon effect', rule = 'zh-cn:从众效应; zh-tw:浪潮效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'block effect', rule = 'zh-cn:区组效应; zh-tw:區組效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'boomerang effect', rule = 'zh-cn:反弹效应; zh-tw:回彈效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'context effect', rule = 'zh-cn:上下文效应; zh-tw:脈絡效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Coolidge effect', rule = 'zh-cn:库利奇效应; zh-tw:柯立茲效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'direct effect', rule = 'zh-cn:直接效应; zh-tw:直接效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'effect coding', rule = 'zh-cn:效应编码; zh-tw:效果編碼;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'effector', rule = 'zh-cn:效应器; zh-tw:反應器;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'false consensus effect ', rule = 'zh-cn:虚假共识效应; zh-tw:錯誤的同意性效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'group effect', rule = 'zh-cn:群体效应; zh-tw:團體效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'halo effect', rule = 'zh-cn:光环效应; zh-tw:月暈效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'implicit bystander effect', rule = 'zh-cn:内隐旁观者效应; zh-tw:內隱的旁觀者效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'indirect effect', rule = 'zh-cn:间接效应; zh-tw:間接效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'interaction effect', rule = 'zh-cn:交互效应; zh-tw:交互作用;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'interference effect', rule = 'zh-cn:干扰效应; zh-tw:幹擾效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lee-Boot effect', rule = 'zh-cn:李-布特效应; zh-tw:李布氏效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'main effect', rule = 'zh-cn:主效应; zh-tw:主要效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'noise effect', rule = 'zh-cn:噪声效应; zh-tw:雜訊效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'observer-actor effect', rule = 'zh-cn:观察者-行为者效应; zh-tw:觀察者-行為者效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'overjustification effect', rule = 'zh-cn:过度理由效应; zh-tw:過度辯證效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'partial reinforcement effect (PRE)', rule = 'zh-cn:部分强化效应; zh-tw:部分增強效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'placebo effect', rule = 'zh-cn:安慰剂效应; zh-tw:安慰劑效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'primacy effect ; primary effect', rule = 'zh-cn:首因效应; zh-tw:初始效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'priming effect', rule = 'zh-cn:启动效应; zh-tw:促發效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'random effect model', rule = 'zh-cn:随机效应模型; zh-tw:隨機效果模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'recency effect', rule = 'zh-cn:近因效应; zh-tw:新近效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'self-reference effect', rule = 'zh-cn:自我参照效应; zh-tw:自我參照效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'serial position effect', rule = 'zh-cn:序列位置效应; zh-tw:序列位置效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'sleeper effect', rule = 'zh-cn:睡眠者效应; zh-tw:睡眠效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'social loafing', rule = 'zh-cn:社会惰怠效应; zh-tw:社會閒散;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stroop effect', rule = 'zh-cn:斯特鲁普效应; zh-tw:史楚普效應;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'typicality effect', rule = 'zh-cn:典型性效应; zh-tw:典型性效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'weapons effect', rule = 'zh-cn:武器效应; zh-tw:武器效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'word inferiority effect', rule = 'zh-cn:词劣效应; zh-tw:詞劣效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'word superiority effect', rule = 'zh-cn:词优势效应; zh-tw:詞優效果;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zeigarnik effect', rule = 'zh-cn:蔡加尼克效应; zh-tw:蔡氏現象;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 行为 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ABC model of behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:行为ABC模型; zh-tw:行為的ABC模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'agonistic behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:争胜行为; zh-tw:敵對行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'attitude-toward-behavior model', rule = 'zh-cn:行为态度模型; zh-tw:行為態度模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavior disorder', rule = 'zh-cn:行为障碍; zh-tw:行為異常;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavior modification principle', rule = 'zh-cn:行为矫正原理; zh-tw:行為改變原則;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavior modification therapy', rule = 'zh-cn:行为矫正疗法; zh-tw:行為改變治療法;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral activation', rule = 'zh-cn:行为启动; zh-tw:行為活化;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral activation therapy (BA therapy)', rule = 'zh-cn:行为启动疗法; zh-tw:行為活化治療;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral assessment', rule = 'zh-cn:行为评价; zh-tw:行為評量;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral couple therapy', rule = 'zh-cn:行为取向伴侣疗法; zh-tw:行為取向的伴侶治療;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral cue', rule = 'zh-cn:行为线索; zh-tw:行為線索;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral learning approach', rule = 'zh-cn:行为学习法; zh-tw:行為學習觀點;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral marital therapy', rule = 'zh-cn:行为取向婚姻疗法; zh-tw:行為取向的婚姻治療;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral theory of leadership', rule = 'zh-cn:领导行为理论; zh-tw:領導行為論;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavioral variable', rule = 'zh-cn:行为变量; zh-tw:行為變項;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'cognitive behavioral modification (CBM)', rule = 'zh-cn:认知行为矫正; zh-tw:認知行為矯治法;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'cognitive-behavioral self-management training', rule = 'zh-cn:认知行为自我管理训练; zh-tw:認知行為之自我管理訓練;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)', rule = 'zh-cn:认知行为疗法; zh-tw:認知行為治療;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'continuity of behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:行为连续性; zh-tw:行為的連續性;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'coping behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:应对行为; zh-tw:因應行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'defensive behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:防御行为; zh-tw:防衛行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'delinquency', rule = 'zh-cn:违规行为; zh-tw:犯罪行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)', rule = 'zh-cn:辩证行为疗法; zh-tw:辯證式行為治療;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'exploratory behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:探究行为; zh-tw:探索行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'group behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:群体行为; zh-tw:團體行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'narcissistic behavior disorder', rule = 'zh-cn:自恋型行为障碍; zh-tw:自戀行為疾患;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'operant behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:操作性行为; zh-tw:操作行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'prosocial behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:亲社会行为; zh-tw:利社會行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT)', rule = 'zh-cn:理情行为疗法; zh-tw:理情行為治療法;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'REM behavior disorder (RBD)', rule = 'zh-cn:快速眼动期行为障碍; zh-tw:快速眼動睡眠行為疾患;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'self-handicapping behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:自我设障行为; zh-tw:自我設限行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'species-specific behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:物种特异行为; zh-tw:物種特定行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'territorial behavior', rule = 'zh-cn:领地行为; zh-tw:領域行為;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'behavior pattern', rule = 'zh-cn:行为类型; zh-tw:行為模式;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 意识 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'altered state of consciousness (ASC)', rule = 'zh-cn:意识变异状态; zh-tw:意識的變化狀態;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'group consciousness', rule = 'zh-cn:群体意识; zh-tw:團體意識;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'intentional memorization', rule = 'zh-cn:有意识记; zh-tw:有意識之記憶;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'nonconscious ; sunconscious', rule = 'zh-cn:无意识; zh-tw:潛意識;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'personal unconscious', rule = 'zh-cn:个体无意识; zh-tw:個人潛意識;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'public self-consciousness', rule = 'zh-cn:公我意识; zh-tw:公眾自我意識;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'unconscious inference', rule = 'zh-cn:无意识推理; zh-tw:無意識推論;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'unconscious motivation', rule = 'zh-cn:无意识动机; zh-tw:潛意識動機;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 人名 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skinner', rule = 'zh-cn:斯金纳; zh-tw:史金納; zh-hk:斯金納;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 其他 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'pattern recognition', rule = 'zh-cn:模式识别; zh-tw:圖形辨識;' },
